Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Reflection

This week I am going to take a break from discussing the pillars of the NPH home to discern a bit further my true purpose here at NPH.  This past Sunday was World Mission Sunday, a day in which Catholics world wide are encouraged to commit to the Church's missionary activity through action and prayer. During Saturday evening mass, our priest discussed mission work as a way to bring the joy of Christ to the world. Hearing this simple yet quite specific purpose led me to think once again about my own work. Although I am not on a mission with a church, I do feel my year here to be spiritually directed and was impacted by this motto.
As many of you know, I have been discerning the reason for me coming to spend a year in service since before I even applied to this program. Once I decided to come live with NPH I thought I would serve as a role model and a mentor for these children. Yet once I arrived, I realized that the kids have plenty of role models and mentors already and my short year will in no way change the course of their lives. Shortly after this realization a veteran volunteer told me she viewed her job as one of accompaniment. Of simply being present for every child in her house. Viewing my job as a madrina in that way, I began to find purpose in my year here. I would simply spend time with my boys and accompany them on the struggles with which life confronted them; not fixing the problems but rather helping them through.
Recently, I have come to view one of my primary roles as a madrina as a full time playmate. As soon as homework and chores are completed the boys look to me for a game of basketball, Frisbee or mixtape to sing along to.  Hearing the church’s mission this weekend to spread the happiness that God means for all of us showed me the purpose in all this fun. All I am here to do is to make their days a little brighter.  Whatever I find myself doing in Casa San Jose, He wants me to do with the purpose of bringing a smile to everyone’s face. I cannot fix the broken families my boys come from, repair the education system that at times fails them, fight the government to let NPH care for more children nor sponsor all 230 children here. But I can smile at everyone I pass and tickle those having a bad day. I am learning to accept the things I cannot change while working for those I can.
Not 24 hours after this mass time reflection of mine, I was shown how simply spreading happiness can be…
On Sunday morning I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. After a rushed workout, I arrived just in time for breakfast at my house. Or so I thought. Everyone was outside cleaning the yard and only after standing there for 20 minutes with my plate in hand did they tell me they had eaten early and forgoten to save my food. I tromped back down to my house and scarfed down a yogurt because I had ten minutes before running a family program (as explained in previous posts).
With an internal sulk on my face I went to pick up Nick and Mary (names changed for privacy reasons). The two of them grabbed my hands and skipped all the way to the volunteer house from the second we left their own houses. Upon hearing that just them two were going to make cookies, their faces lit up. The two siblings then proceeded to fall into fits of laughter and full-toothed grins nonstop for the next two hours. I honestly do not know how their cheeks and abs didn’t hurt from so much happiness.
      While mixing the dough Nick tried to crack the egg and managed to send yolk flying everywhere EXCEPT in the bowl .The proper reaction from Mary? Fall on the floor laughing only to be joined shortly by Nick. When playing Uno Nick could not manage to understand how to follow the rules no matter how many times I explained them. The proper reaction from Mary? Fail to show the slightest annoyance and smile even more. After only a few minutes I could not help but join in on the high spirits filling our patio. My face lit up as well and the morning was filled with joy.
      Shortly after dropping the two of them off I realized, who am I to assume that I am the only one bringing joy to this home? This very morning two pequeños pulled me out of my crankiness and brightened my day. I realized that each one of us is called to partake in the mission of the church. Every single one of us is urged by God to spread the happiness of Christ. And it really is so simple. Sometimes all it takes is a few children and perhaps a flying egg.
Here are some pictures of the cookie baking…

On another note, I know many people at home have been wondering how they can help become part of the children’s lives here. There are a million and one ways you can help from donating money to the organization, sponsoring a child or even visiting us. (Check them all out here ….WEBSITE)
However, at this time I have an even easier way you can help! My mom is coming to visit me in the first week in November and will be bring an extra suitcase for donations. All of the boys in my house love board games (especially puzzles!), drawing and reading. So if you have any lightly used items around your house or a few dollars to spare she would love help in filling that suitcase. Examples include games, cards, coloring books, crayons, markers, books, comics…My boys are all about 10 years old but in grades 1-5 so a wide range of books and games are appropriate. I am currently working on translating some comics for them into Spanish so if you only have English items I can translate them as well-although Spanish is a bit less work. If you don’t have my mom’s number feel free to email me or leave a comment below for more details about helping!

Thanks in advance,


P.S. Here are some pictures of this weekend with my boys. They decided to wash the dog that lives at our home and ended up dressing him up and having a blast. We also threw the disc around all day Sunday. 


  1. love this post! especially playing dress up with the dogs - thats hysterical :)!

  2. Hi Eliza! With your busy life and schedule, I'd be surprised if you remembered me, but I wanted to say thank you for keeping such an amazing blog! My name is Sarah Cerkvenik and we met briefly when I came to the home this past August. I was traveling with a group from Minnesota and ate at your house once or twice! I saw my godbrother in your pictures and I had to comment! I miss all of them like crazy so it's wonderful to hear updates from time to time! The pequenos look fantastic, I miss them all, especially my brother, so so dearly! Thanks again for great updates!
