Tuesday, September 1, 2015

August Updates

Thanks for having faith and not giving up on my blog. Life in the past two months has been a bit crazy as I picked up another class to teach (5th and 6th graders who are too old to be in the mainstream classes), subbed in for the volunteer coordinator and helped out a lot in the sponsorship office. Somehow or another there is also more work to be done here!

But I finally found some time to sit down and write so here are a bunch of updates on life here…

The boys…
This past weekend I did tie-dye with my boys and was ridiculously impressed with how good it came out for all of them. A few of them had done it before with visitors but for the majority of them it was the first time they even heard of tie-dye.  It is so foreign to the culture here I couldn’t get a translation other than “camisas hippy” (hippy shirts). Well, for first timers they were pretty successful and creative. Check out the pictures below!

A few weekends ago we had a night of games down on the soccer courts and Kay (another volunteer) and I decided to bring down a bucket a chalk we found in the house. We clearly underestimated its popularity as within minutes all the pieces were snatched up and the whole area turned into a work of art. I found myself working on a crime scene with one of my boys, outlining the “dead” bodies fallen. He then decided to take artistic liberty, adding a six-pack here, lopsided eyes there and Mickey Mouse ears there. We even got the assistant religious director to play along and all ended up doubled over in laughter. Thankfully it didn’t rain for a few days and we got to enjoy the work.

How gorgeous is this!?
 At school…
In class I did a food unit with all of the grades, culminating in a “Menu Project” for the project the students paired up and had to create their own English menu complete with food and drinks for breakfast, lunch and dinner and prices. I was so proud of the work of my 5th graders that I mounted all the menus and made a poster to hang in their classroom. As for my second graders, an entire menu was a bit much so we went with “My Favorite Foods” which I also put up on a poster. Check them out below!

My house…
For some reason my house has become hit with quite a few tarantulas recently. And for even less known reasons, they only like to reveal themselves to me. So, over the past two weeks I have found them in my toilet stall, on the curtain above my bed and right outside my door. I am slowly screaming less, having shorter temper tantrums and even trying to kill them! My reaction is no longer as comical for the other volunteers but at least I’m getting over my fear bit by bit. Here’s a pretty one I found in my bathroom.

And last but not least the food update….
This past Friday when I had to stay during my weekend off I went into town and bought myself a chocolate milkshake. It was amazing. No question. Made life so much sweeter. If you’re having a bad day I suggest going to the nearest ice cream store and buying the biggest one they have. It’s total therapy.
I couldn't resist drinking half of it before taking the picture.

Until next time,


Here are a few more fun pictures from the last month...
Playing keep away basketball with my 2nd grade boys. 
You're never too old to color! 

A few of the younger girls showing off their new sneakers. 

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